

What is the Best Safety Work Clothing for Wind, Rain, and Snow?

What is the Best Safety Work Clothing for Wind, Rain, and Snow?

It is raining across the majority of the contiguous United States. That means in almost every state in this great nation men and women are hunting around their office, storerooms, sheds, and behind the back seats of their trucks to find their rain gear. And guess what? It's just going to get colder. It's time to figure out your weather and warmth gear for the coming seasons. Don't wait for the first really cold snap to order the things that you darn well know you are going to need in th …
Oct 15th 2012 Justin McCarter
What are the Best Goggles for Women and Kids?

What are the Best Goggles for Women and Kids?

Working at a safety company, I find myself using the gear we stock in non-traditional ways. And I often need to outfit people with smaller face and hands. Luckily gloves often come in a variety of sizes these days. But for folks looking for safety goggles to fit different sized faces, the choices aren't so broad. This past weekend a group of dads and sons headed to the hills for our annual camping trip. Since the plan this year was going to include sling shots and target practice, we …
Oct 11th 2012 Justin McCarter
How to Protect Your Ears at An Airshow or Concert

How to Protect Your Ears at An Airshow or Concert

Noise levels will be high around the San Francisco Bay this weekend. Fleet Week is here and with it the loud, loud sound of six F/A-18 Hornets flying overhead at Mach 1. It's something you can feel through your whole body, but it's your ears that are in the greatest danger. Maximum decibel levels for spectators has been measured between 100 and 115dB, which is pretty darn high. While this level is still in the realm of the acceptable for short doses during fly-over, it is still incre …
Oct 8th 2012 Justin McCarter
Grown Up Halloween Costume Ideas from PK Safety

Grown Up Halloween Costume Ideas from PK Safety

Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for: The PK Safety Halloween Costume List for Grown-Ups! With a little imagination, there are lots of costumes that can be put together using the products we sell on Hopefully this list will help give you some great ideas for your next Halloween party. You'll find some of these ideas are better than others, and a few are just plain terrible. Just remember one big advantage - we deliver! In no particular order: C …
Sep 25th 2012 Justin McCarter
Cowboy Hard Hat Protects From Sun, Rain, and Falling Tools

Cowboy Hard Hat Protects From Sun, Rain, and Falling Tools

Apparently the 11th time is the charm if you're a Bakersfield machine-tool rep with a vision to create a cowboy hard hat. That's how many times it took inventor Bret Atkins to develop a design that would meet ANSI standards and win the all-important approval of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Tired of getting grease or dirt on his snow white Stetson each time he entered a hard hat-required site for work, Atkins began working in his garage on a fiberglass hard hat m …
Sep 18th 2012 Justin McCarter
West Nile Poses Health Hazard in Wake of Hurricane Isaac

West Nile Poses Health Hazard in Wake of Hurricane Isaac

Residents of the areas affected by Hurricane Isaac could see (or at least hear) greater numbers of mosquitoes and have increased exposure to the West Nile virus soon according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The recent Category 1 hurricane, while lacking the raging winds of faster-moving storm systems, brought wide-spread flooding and that flooding may create expanded breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Floodwaters initially washed away areas of standing water wher …
Sep 7th 2012 Justin McCarter
Have Your Rain Gear Ready Before The Rain Hits

Have Your Rain Gear Ready Before The Rain Hits

The same thing happens every season. The first rainy day of the year we receive hundreds of orders for rain gear. We have walk-ins who stand dripping at the counter while our warehouse guys find right sizes for them. It's like a holiday. Unless you are the foreman or the employer, and then it's just wasted, unproductive, money-losing time. We all know it's going to rain again this year. The problem is, none of us wants the good weather to go away. Ordering rain gear while it's sunny out …
Aug 28th 2012 Justin McCarter
Burning Man Goggles: What are the Best dust Goggles for Burning Man?

Burning Man Goggles: What are the Best dust Goggles for Burning Man?

Last year wind blew the fine Playa dust everywhere. Goggles that keep dust out, but still allow airflow to keep them from fogging are the overall best option. This category of eye protection is called Sealed eyewear and is relatively new category in the eye safety pantheon. It generally refers to a style of hybrid glasses/goggles. They often have foam around the lenses to create a better face seal, and many, such as the I Force Glasses, have the option of trading out either traditional har …
Aug 21st 2012 Justin McCarter
Eye Protection is Looking Better Than Ever

Eye Protection is Looking Better Than Ever

When my dad worked he'd wear safety glasses. I'd find them behind the seat of his El Camino on the weekends. They were the standard issue  glasses that made him look like he might work in a laboratory instead of at a sign manufacturing yard. They were square, uncomfortable, fogged up quickly, and were not something you'd be caught dead wearing outside of work unless you forgot them in your truck or because you were taking the shingles off your roof. I'd put them on just to look silly. …
Jul 26th 2012 Justin McCarter
Breaking Bad Shows Need for Gas Monitor Technology

Breaking Bad Shows Need for Gas Monitor Technology

This won't come as a big shock to anyone - meth labs are toxic. Really toxic. Firefighters, police, and other first responders can't just walk blindly into areas that may potentially contain phosphine and ammonia gas. Wouldn't be prudent. The AMC original series Breaking Bad explores the seedy, dangerous world of methamphetamine production and distribution. In graphic detail, it shows how cooking methamphetamine creates gases and solids that are not only toxic and caustic, but also flam …
Jul 19th 2012 Justin McCarter