What are the Best Goggles for Women and Kids?

What are the Best Goggles for Women and Kids?

Working at a safety company, I find myself using the gear we stock in non-traditional ways. And I often need to outfit people with smaller face and hands. Luckily gloves often come in a variety of sizes these days. But for folks looking for safety goggles to fit different sized faces, the choices aren't so broad.

This past weekend a group of dads and sons headed to the hills for our annual camping trip. Since the plan this year was going to include sling shots and target practice, we decided slightly higher safety standards (higher than none) should be put in place.

After explaining the situation - 8-, 9-, and 10-year-olds with flying projectiles, dirt, and pocket knives - to our PK Safety goggles expert, Ben, we decided to go with the Pyramex G704T Chemical Splash Goggles. Not only do these goggles have an elastic band on the back and a comfortable seal on a wide variety of face sizes, they are also, as you can see from the photo, totally cool.

Like it or not, this is a serious consideration when choosing goggles. Women and children are just as likely to forgo wearing eye protection that is uncomfortable or (gasp!) uncool as are the big guys on the construction site. Maybe more so.

As a side benefit, these goggles also seemed to keep out a majority of the smoke from the campfire, with the result being the kids wore the goggles all day and night for the entirety of the trip.

If you are looking for goggles for smaller faces, shop around. But as you can see from the picture, these are a great choice.

Oct 10th 2012 Justin McCarter

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