

Top Ten Things to Consider When Entering a Confined Space

Top Ten Things to Consider When Entering a Confined Space

Because of the speed with which a worker can become incapacitated, confined spaces require more safety considerations than typical work sites. Anyone entering a place without adequate ventilation must take precautions for their safety. This is especially true for confined spaces where pooling gases or lack of breathable atmosphere combined with difficult entry and exit can prove fatal. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has developed guidelines for safety before an …
Oct 11th 2014 Administrator
Safety Equipment Suitable for the Zombie Apocalypse

Safety Equipment Suitable for the Zombie Apocalypse

At PK Safety we're as worried about the Zombie Apocalypse as anybody. Maybe more. And while we lack chainsaws or longswords in our warehouse, we make up for it with loads of other nifty and useful equipment. Whether you're running for your life, or looking for the cure, PK Safety should definitely be on your to-do list before the web disappears for all eternity. First of all, think about picking up a DoseRAE 2 Personal Radiation Detector. This is especially important for you heroes e …
Jun 17th 2014 Justin McCarter
Fire Police Volunteer Time and Knowledge to Their Communities

Fire Police Volunteer Time and Knowledge to Their Communities

Ever wonder how fire departments and police maintain control over scenes where major incidents have occurred with only their limited personnel? In many areas, they don't. They rely on the well-trained volunteer firefighting force called the Fire Police to help maintain safety and security. While the exact role of Fire Police Units vary from state to state and department to department, their role remains vital. Fire Police units have formed in counties across the United States to assist …
Mar 17th 2014 Justin McCarter
Avoid Thanksgiving Injuries and Keep First Aid Handy

Avoid Thanksgiving Injuries and Keep First Aid Handy

Here at PK Safety we're all about keeping folks safe. Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, we'd like to remind everyone that safety knows no bounds. While the most dangerous Thanksgiving tradition is hands-down the deep frying of the bird, there are other injuries from cuts to burns you should be aware of. If you haven't seen the William Shatner public service announcement (PSA) about the dangers of deep-frying your turkey, you should take a moment or two to glory in the wisdom of this …
Nov 21st 2012 Justin McCarter
Grown Up Halloween Costume Ideas from PK Safety

Grown Up Halloween Costume Ideas from PK Safety

Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for: The PK Safety Halloween Costume List for Grown-Ups! With a little imagination, there are lots of costumes that can be put together using the products we sell on Hopefully this list will help give you some great ideas for your next Halloween party. You'll find some of these ideas are better than others, and a few are just plain terrible. Just remember one big advantage - we deliver! In no particular order: C …
Sep 25th 2012 Justin McCarter
Cowboy Hard Hat Protects From Sun, Rain, and Falling Tools

Cowboy Hard Hat Protects From Sun, Rain, and Falling Tools

Apparently the 11th time is the charm if you're a Bakersfield machine-tool rep with a vision to create a cowboy hard hat. That's how many times it took inventor Bret Atkins to develop a design that would meet ANSI standards and win the all-important approval of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Tired of getting grease or dirt on his snow white Stetson each time he entered a hard hat-required site for work, Atkins began working in his garage on a fiberglass hard hat m …
Sep 18th 2012 Justin McCarter