

What Do Contractors Need for Confined Space Entry?

What Do Contractors Need for Confined Space Entry?

Just because you aren't entering a drainage system, silo, septic tank, or some other confined space every day, or even every week, doesn't mean you can avoid getting the equipment necessary to make you OSHA compliant. But it does mean that you will be perfectly satisfied with a basic confined space entry system. For folks working in city waste water treatment facilities or manufacturing which requires regular maintenance and inspection of confined spaces, it makes sense to have the m …
Jul 10th 2015 Administrator
Post Confined Space Warnings to Keep Employees Safe

Post Confined Space Warnings to Keep Employees Safe

If a workspace contains hazardous permit-required spaces, OSHA mandates the employer must inform exposed employees of their existence, location, and the hazards they pose. This can be done by posting unambiguous warning signs such as "DANGER-CONFINED SPACE- AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY." And while signs like that are pretty clear, there will still be folks who assume it doesn't apply to them. So OSHA also requires physical barriers such as locks, chains, and other impediments to entr …
Jun 19th 2015 Administrator
Confined Space Entry on a Budget

Confined Space Entry on a Budget

We wanted to take a few minutes to talk about our Confined Space Entry Contractor’s Kit. This is perfect for folks doing occasional confined space work who don’t want to make a big investment in equipment. The Kit meets all relevant OSHA standards but won’t break the bank. It comes with a BW MAX XT II 4-Gas Monitor. It’s one of our best sellers for confined space entry. The MAX XT has an internal pump and a hose attachment that allows you to pull air samples from the space you’re abou …
May 16th 2015 Administrator
Tripods: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Tripods: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Confined space entry requires a method of extraction for the entrant if they become incapacitated. Often this requirement is met by erecting a tripod over the entry point. At we offer two types of tripods, and people generally choose one or the other depending on how often they will be using them. The less expensive model is the AK105A 8 ft. tripod. It's great for occasional use, and is lightweight and easy to assemble. One drawback is that the Protecta AK …
Apr 18th 2015 Administrator
What's The Best Confined Space Entry Tripod?

What's The Best Confined Space Entry Tripod?

There are plenty of companies out there who only do the occasional confined space entry. Their definition of the best tripod will likely be very different from a company, utility, or facility that uses their tripod on a daily or weekly basis. For the first type of buyer, they likely just want something that meets OSHA requirements. They want something they know is going to be safe, and they aren't looking for all the bells and whistles because it's mostly sitting in the shed out back. These f …
Feb 25th 2015 Justin McCarter
The Most Popular Personal 4-Gas Monitor

The Most Popular Personal 4-Gas Monitor

While we sell just about every bit of safety equipment under the sun nothing is more popular at PK Safety than our gas monitors. We've been selling gas monitors since they were the size of a shoe box (some of them still are). Over the past few years one monitor - the GasAlert Micro Clip XL - has emerged over the years as the clear favorite for personal 4-gas monitoring. The XL is actually the latest version of the Micro Clip XT. BW continues to improve the functions and battery life …
Feb 22nd 2015 Justin McCarter
An Affordable 4-Gas Monitor With Extended Battery Life

An Affordable 4-Gas Monitor With Extended Battery Life

We live in the real world here at PK Safety. We know you need to fulfill OSHA requirements for 4-gas monitors for workers performing confined space entry. We also know price is a consideration for every business. Luckily there is a solution. The BW GasAlert Micro Clip XL is the perfect hybrid of affordability and rugged performance. This monitor is a step forward for BW as they have worked on extending the battery life of their confined space gas monitors. The Micro Clip XL can be …
Feb 9th 2015 Justin McCarter
Roles and Responsibilities for Permit-Required Confined Space Entrants

Roles and Responsibilities for Permit-Required Confined Space Entrants

For safe entry of a permit-required confined space (PRCS), OSHA designates roles for key persons involved in the procedure.  Workers trained in these responsibilities are the only ones who should be involved in these potentially hazardous tasks. Workers' roles vary depending on the amount of training and experience they have working in confined spaces.  The first role we will discuss is that of the Attendant.  The duties described in OSHA standard 1910.146 require an Attendan …
Jan 23rd 2015 Justin McCarter
Wireless QRAE 3 Confined Space Gas Detector from RAE Systems

Wireless QRAE 3 Confined Space Gas Detector from RAE Systems

RAE Systems is the manufacturer of the QRAE 3, the newest multi-gas monitor for confined space entry. Up to four sensors can be configured in this device for combustible gases (LEL), Oxygen (O2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), or Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) depending on the specific needs of your facility. The interesting thing about this monitor is the wireless configuration option. RAE Systems says this device will work in confined spaces as well. Fo …
Apr 11th 2014 Justin McCarter
Confined Space Communication Con-Space Hardline Systems

Confined Space Communication Con-Space Hardline Systems

Communication is essential for many confined space entry teams. Work environments may be noisy or the entry may take workers further into the space where they can't hear an outside attendant. If safety conditions should deteriorate you can't always count on wireless radios. They have dead zones and are prone to interruption or failure. And when they go down it's usually at an inopportune time. The Con-Space hardline communication system is simplicity itself. It uses military-grade co …
Nov 25th 2013 Justin McCarter