Gas Monitor Custom Alarm Point Settings

Gas Monitor Custom Alarm Point Settings

If you work in a facility that requires specific tolerances for your personal gas monitor alarms, PK Safety has factory-authorized technicians that can configure your devices. Whether you have one monitor that needs an alarm threshold adjustment or hundreds, our staff can make the changes and get them on their way back to you the day we receive them.

Custom alarm point setting or configurations direct from the factory take time. Sometimes a long time. Order your monitors though PK Safety and you can have your custom settings added at our facility and shipped to you faster and easier than using the factory.

Say for example you have a custom calibration requirement for your BW Clip H2S Monitors. Some plants require a low setting of 3ppm and a high of 5ppm instead of the standard 10/15. Each monitor will need to be adjusted and for your own safety this should be done by a factory-trained technician.

These services are currently available for the following devices: BW Clip H2S BW Clip CO BW Clip SO2 BW X3 GasAlert Micro Clip XL GasAlert Max XT II GasAlert Quattro

Volume discounts are available for programming your custom alarm points if you're getting calibrations reset on over 5 monitors. The price per monitor can be as low as $2 each if you're having more than 200 done at the same time. We understand that these monitors are not only a lifeline for your employees, they are required for you to operate. We take the turn-around time on these adjustments very seriously and are organized to make the adjustments quickly and get them back to you in the minimum amount of time possible - usually they can be reset and shipped back to you the day we receive them.

If you have questions about custom calibration pricing, volume discounts, bulk orders, or anything gas monitor-related, we're happy to help. Please don't hesitate to contact our team at 800-829-9580.

Nov 18th 2015 Justin McCarter

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