15% Off Aervoe Collapsible Safety Cones

15% Off Aervoe Collapsible Safety Cones

PK is excited to offer 15% off Aervoe collapsible safety cones with LED beacons until March 12, 2012. Just enter the coupon code CONE15 at checkout for instant savings. From a young age, we in the good old US of A are conditioned to think “Caution!” when we see a big orange cone. So important is this knowledge that the Federal Highway Commission published a key book of rules called the  Manual on Uniform Traffic Devices, or MUTCD. Among outlawing such things as blue stop signs and traffic lights that turn purple, the MUTCD has extensive rules concerning the physical characteristics of traffic cones.

I’ll save you some light reading. Aervoe’s collapsible safety cones follow every rule in the MUTCD and have many other cool features that make them the best safety cones on the market. They collapse into a compact little package that is only a couple inches thick, have a weighted base that prevents them from getting blown away to destinations unknown, and have a bright red LED beacon that is impossible to ignore.

The collapsible nature of these cones guarantees a lot more room in the truck or job site. It can fit in any decent sized glove box and is a perfect accessory to a tool kit in any car, boat, or motorcycle. The best safety gear falls within regulations and makes life easier. Aervoe cones do just that.

Feb 13th 2012 Administrator

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