

Gas Detection Evolution: From Canaries to Portable Real-Time Devices

Gas Detection Evolution: From Canaries to Portable Real-Time Devices

Working in confined spaces present three kinds of hazards: flammable or explosive atmosphere; oxygen-deficient or oxygen-enriched atmosphere; and atmosphere with a high concentration of contaminants. In poorly ventilated spaces, atmospheric contaminants build up to hazardous levels very fast and pose an immediate threat to life. To eliminate potential dangers while working in underground mines, tunnels, shafts, and other environments with confined spaces, it is important to use the right test …
Apr 22nd 2016 Mila Adamovica
Product Review: BW Honeywell Gas Alert Max XT II 4 Gas Monitor

Product Review: BW Honeywell Gas Alert Max XT II 4 Gas Monitor

The BW GasAlert Max XT II is a humdinger of a detector, both for its ease of usage and reasonable price. In my opinion, this is the best gas detector to buy if you’re entering a confined space or septic tank. This one button unit makes it perfect for both the glove crowd and the technologically challenged. Plus, its simple operation makes tampering with its functions nearly impossible (a helpful feature if you want to ensure that you crew doesn’t decide to change any o the setting without …
Dec 26th 2014 Administrator
How to Measure Confined Space Gases

How to Measure Confined Space Gases

Gas measurement is without a doubt the most important part of confined space safety. Do it right, and you and your crew go home at the end of the day—do it wrong, and you might never go home again! So if you're a newbie (or even a little rusty), you've got to do your homework. Here's the first lesson: get the right tools! If you already have a gas monitor, take it out and look at it. Without this device you are nothing! It always has to be with you in any confined space — no excuses! But m …
Dec 5th 2014 Administrator
H2S Monitor Bump Test: How Often Should My H2S Monitor Be Bump Tested?

H2S Monitor Bump Test: How Often Should My H2S Monitor Be Bump Tested?

A customer from the Chinese division of a large petroleum company emailed us this week to ask how often their BW Clip H2S Monitors should be bump tested. Since we sell more of these monitors than any other at PK Safety Supply, it would seem logical that we'd have a ready answer. But we don't. It's not because we don't care, or we don't think it's important. It is. Here's the situation: Officially, the manufacturer BW Honeywell recommends periodically testing the response of the hydro …
Apr 28th 2014 Justin McCarter
Oil & Gas Facilities Moving Toward Multi-Gas Monitors

Oil & Gas Facilities Moving Toward Multi-Gas Monitors

As oil and gas production continues to expand in the United States and other countries, many companies are seeing the benefit of personal gas monitors that check for more than just hydrogen sulfide. Refineries, processing plants, pipelines, storage farms, and offshore platforms all use or create a wide range of toxic gases and dangerous atmospheres. While single gas monitors like the BW Clip 3-Year Detector H2S are ubiquitous, they aren't capable of warning workers of all the changing cond …
Apr 7th 2014 Justin McCarter