Ebola Protection With PPE in Short Supply
We get so many questions these days about how best to protect families from Ebola. We all know even basic protective clothing is in short supply because of the worldwide reaction to this frightening disease. But let's not give up all hope just yet.
If you are worried about protection from infectious diseases - this is code these days for Ebola - there are simple ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from brief contact with an infected person. While sustained contact with an Ebola
Oct 16th 2014
What Does Asbestos Removal Cost?
The average cost to remove asbestos in my neighborhood is between $270 and $540 per hour. The contractors will spend their expensive time setting up a containment area, removing the asbestos pipes or insulation material, and paying for proper specialized disposal. Professional inspections also need be conducted before and after the remediation to show there is no more particulate matter floating around. Inspections and analysis can run another $600 to $1000. Costs can easily reach $3000 or $4
Dec 9th 2013
The Right HazMat Coveralls For The Type of Work You Do
With so many hazards and so many types of coverall protection, it's difficult to know what's right for they type of work you do. Here are our suggestions for protective clothing for the most common workplace hazards.
I'm a big believer in the old grease monkey coveralls. I wear them when I'm working on my car or doing other non-toxic jobs. But once you move from sweeping up dust or changing the oil in your car to work with the types of particles and liquid materials you know you're bett
Nov 6th 2013
How to Make Your Tyvek Suit Even Safer
Tyvek suits from DuPont provide an amazing degree of protection from the elements of your work site. Here are some tips to make them work even better for you. Whether you're using your
Tyvek suits for basic clean-up trying to keep the dirt and other non-hazardous materials such as oil, paint, and sewage away from your clothes and skin, or you have some really serious particulate matter about such as pesticides and radioactive particles, the goal is to keep it away from you.
Tyvek has
Jul 31st 2013
Grown Up Halloween Costume Ideas from PK Safety
Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for: The PK Safety Halloween Costume List for Grown-Ups!
With a little imagination, there are lots of costumes that can be put together using the products we sell on Hopefully this list will help give you some great ideas for your next Halloween party. You'll find some of these ideas are better than others, and a few are just plain terrible. Just remember one big advantage - we deliver!
In no particular order:
Sep 25th 2012
Hoarders TV Show Doesn't Provide Good Protective Clothing Cues
There are lots of things you'll see on TV that you should stay away from personally. A recent re-run that made us shake our collective heads was the lung protection worn by folks who should know better in some truly frightening homes shown on the A&E show
Let us say for the record that if legions of rats (or cats) are using your home as a restroom, or if you go into a house that hasn't had working plumbing since the Nixon era, there are more than likely some very real reaso
Jul 17th 2012
What DIY Homeowners Need to Know About Asbestos Removal
We get lots of people contacting us wanting to know how to properly remove asbestos from their homes. The questions, and our answers, generally center around removal of asbestos from four main areas: furnace ducting, floor tiles, exterior siding, and the old popcorn ceiling. They are not all the same, and there are varying levels of success for the DIY homeowners.
Almost everyone knows they are digging into a dangerous mess when they start any project dealing with asbestos. Professional
Jul 11th 2012
Creative Costume Ideas
With Halloween just around the corner, it's high time to start thinking about costume and party ideas! PK Safety receives quite a bit of business from Halloween party-goers during this time of the year, and we're always amazed by the creative uses people find for our products. In this post, we'll review a handful of items that have been popular in the past.
Construction worker costumes seem to be a hit because they're comfortable and can be put together right out of the box. Start with
Oct 24th 2011
Asbestos: The Miracle Mineral
One of our most persistent lines of inquiry has to do with Asbestos in the home. As an avid Do-It-Yourselfer, this has been a subject of interest to me for years. Since I had a few questions along the same line of inquiry last week, I wrote this 'general' response. You can probably figure out what the questions were.
For our homeowner DIY customers, we see Asbestos in 3 main areas; furnace duct work, popcorn ceilings and linoleum type (maybe not actual linoleum) flooring. The duct work
Nov 12th 2009