Allegro Venturi Blowers for Confined Space Ventilation
Circulation of fresh air is critical for many confined space entries. Teams are turning to the efficient and easy to use venturi blowers for a number of reasons. To start with,
Plastic Allegro venturi blowers are lightweight, efficient, and intrinsically safe because they have no moving parts.
Power for the blower is created by compressed air or steam being introduced to the cast chamber at the base of the unit. Circulating air creates a Venturi effect pulling air in through one end
Jan 28th 2016
Ventilation in Confined Spaces
Ventilation is the number one way for workers to control and disperse hazardous atmospheres in a
confined space. For this discussion, the prime objective in ventilating a confined or enclosed space is to render it safe for workers. To reach this level of safety three requirements must be met. If your ventilation unit is too small to handle the job, a safe atmosphere can't be maintained, and workers should not be permitted to enter.
Let's go over our atmospheric checklist before we ge
Nov 27th 2015
Draeger SCBA Provides Confidence to Confined Space Workers
When the oxygen content drops below 17%, but work has to go on, count on the PAS Lite
SCBA system from Draeger. The PAS Lite is designed not just for breathing in dangerous atmospheres, but also for working in them. The components of the PAS Lite system work seamlessly together for comfort and extreme protection in some of the world's most dangerous work or rescue environments.
The PAS Lite SCBA systems is comprised of a Draeger Panorama Nova P mask, a lung demand valve and hose, a 3
Sep 18th 2015
SCBA Systems Need Ongoing Preventive Maintenance
SCBA, or self-contained breathing apparatus, is critical for areas where the atmosphere just isn't fit to breath. Confined space workers and firefighters both utilize this equipment. But what happens when that equipment fails? If you are like a DeKalb Georgia firefighter in the news lately, you jump out of a second-story window.
Firefighters say the problem with the Draeger equipment has been ongoing and the most recent malfunction is part of an ongoing problem. Draeger, on the other hand,
May 29th 2015
PELs (Permissible Exposure Limits) - Are You Taking the Right Readings?
When isolating or ventilating a permit-required confined space, it is critical that a competent person on your team take meter readings with a
4-gas monitor for oxygen (O2), toxic gases and if applicable, combustible gases (VOCs) with a PID to determine if the processes have been effective. Of course you already know this if you or your company are performing this type of work. But are you measuring for the correct PEL levels?
PEL limits change with some regularity, and what may be r
Jan 30th 2015