Prevent Workplace Falls During National Safety Stand-Down Week May 1-5, 2023

Prevent Workplace Falls During National Safety Stand-Down Week May 1-5, 2023

It’s time for National Safety Stand-Down Week. From May 1 to May 5, 2023, OSHA encourages employers across industries prone to workplace fall hazards to set aside time to learn more about fall safety hazards and prevention. You can participate by hosting a Safety Stand-Down, using educational materials from participating organizations, and ensuring you have the correct PPE for work.

The most crucial part of any workday, no matter what industry you’re in, starts with making sure you can go home at the end of it. For industries including but not limited to construction and manufacturing, falls from heights over six feet are a leading cause of injuries and deaths. Luckily, falls are also very preventable, and OSHA wants to raise awareness of the dangers of falls as well as ways to prevent them and mitigate the hazards. You can participate in National Safety Stand-Down Week by doing these three things.

Host a Safety Stand-Down

A safety stand-down is a voluntary event where workers and employers talk about fall hazards and safety. It’s less of a formal training program or class and more of a discussion you could do when taking a breather on the job. It doesn’t even need to be during Safety Stand-Down Week — they can be hosted by anyone, anywhere, in any industry, as long as it works with your schedule and the importance of fall prevention is stressed. If fall hazards aren’t present in your workplace, you can still take advantage of this opportunity to discuss workplace safety, accident prevention, and organizational safety policies.

Remember that safety starts from the top down. Allow workers the space and freedom to talk about safety concerns they’ve noticed, take them to heart, and implement changes. For employers, listening rather than lecturing when you host stand-downs is essential.

Take Advantage of Educational Materials and Promotions

OSHA and the organizations they partnered with to host National Safety Stand-Down Week have resources available to employers who want to host stand-downs and otherwise educate themselves and their employees about safety concerns in the workplace. An excellent place to start would be their tips to prepare for a successful stand-down with highlights from previous events for inspiration. You can also join the conversation on social media by using and following the hashtag #StandDown4Safety.

Suppose you are interested in hosting an event that’s free and open to the public. In that case, you can contact your regional stand-down coordinator to help with publicity: OSHA hosts an Events page of events like yours to help interested people find them.

Outfit Your Team with Fall Safety PPE

As long as you have Toolbox Talks, ensure that your toolboxes and uniform supplies are in good working order and that you have the right gear to mitigate or avoid fall hazards. Your site’s requirements will vary depending on your industry and the hazards you face. Still, when fall protection equipment is needed, it comes in these forms (all of which are categories that we carry at PK Safety in brands that you trust):

PK Safety can help your entire team with the fall safety equipment, construction PPE, and other safety gear you might need to create a safer workplace. We vet all the products we carry from trusted brands. We are also a great resource for fall protection education. Learn more from our blog posts and news articles in industry publications including ISHN, Construction Executive, and more. If you have worksite safety or fall protection questions, contact PK Safety online or call 800.829.9580. Check out OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down page for more information about the 2023 event.


Apr 27th 2023 PK Safety Team

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