

OSHA Compliance for Residential Roofing and Construction

OSHA Compliance for Residential Roofing and Construction

OSHA changed the rules for residential construction workers on March 15th, 2013. No longer will they be issuing reduced fines, helpful hints, and consultations on compliance with the fall protection regulations. They are in full-enforcement mode, and you should be in full-compliance mode if you want to avoid serious penalties. Unless you are able to plausibly demonstrate why conventional fall protection is not feasible or why it presents an even greater hazard when used, your residentia …
Jun 13th 2013 Justin McCarter
OSHA Roofing Regulations Changing Soon

OSHA Roofing Regulations Changing Soon

September 15, 2012 is the deadline for new mandatory residential roofers' fall protection safety standards that require a guard rail system, a safety net system or personal fall safety systems for workers. If you are a roofer and don't comply with the new laws, you could be hit with heavy fines. Residential builders working six or more feet above a lower level must meet these new OSHA standards for fall protection. If you are unsure about how to comply with these new regulations, OSH …
May 31st 2012 Justin McCarter