

How To Conduct a Respirator Fit Test For Your Company

How To Conduct a Respirator Fit Test For Your Company

Things were easier when you were a small company. You may have been able to skip requirements like fit testing your employees for respirators. But no longer. As companies grow in size, so does the scrutiny they receive from regulatory agencies like OSHA. The good news is fit testing isn't complicated, and by following a few simple tips for scheduling and administering the test, you'll be done with the bare minimum of disruption to your business. You may even have improved it. First o …
Aug 17th 2014 Justin McCarter
Ebola Personal Protective Equipment Information

Ebola Personal Protective Equipment Information

Fear of Ebola is spreading much faster than the actual virus. We've been inundated with questions over the past week about protective clothing. And since the internet is filled with the opinions of Preppers and armchair physicians weighing in on the decision to transport American aid workers infected with Ebola to an Atlanta hospital, we decided we'd weigh in with our more informed recommendations for protective equipment along with information we've gleaned from our discussions with DuPon …
Aug 5th 2014 Justin McCarter
How To Tell If Your Respirator Mask Fits

How To Tell If Your Respirator Mask Fits

We get two questions about respirators more often than all other questions combined. People want to know what size mask to order, and they want to know how they can be sure the mask is fitting properly. Because these are such common questions, you'd think we'd have a quick and easy answer for each of them. But each question has some variables, and it's not so easy. Here's what you need to know to make sure your respirator mask fits correctly. For this discussion we will limit the sco …
Feb 24th 2014 Justin McCarter
How Often Should You Replace Your Dust Mask?

How Often Should You Replace Your Dust Mask?

First of all, a dust mask is has a single strap that goes over the head and provides very little protection from particles and debris in the air. They're also called nuisance dust masks and they're best used for mild applications like leaf blowing and general household dust protection. Dust masks just don't provide a good face seal and they protect about as well as nose hair, which is to say not that well. Replace them when they look dirty or after about 8 hours of wear. Honestly they're n …
Nov 20th 2013 Justin McCarter
Masks that Block Smell: What is the Best Respirator For Terrible Smells?

Masks that Block Smell: What is the Best Respirator For Terrible Smells?

A city worker recently wrote to find out which respirator would filter out the strong smells at the landfills best. He writes, "I work for sanitation in NYC. Sometimes I have to bring the garbage to landfills and dump it out the back of my truck. I am stepping in waste - horrible smelling - especially in the summer when the sun hits it. Rotten eggs, food, diapers, blood, cleaning chemicals, and sometimes dead animal bodies. What should I use that would mask out these smells? Should I consi …
Sep 25th 2013 Justin McCarter
How Often Should You Replace Your Dust Mask?

How Often Should You Replace Your Dust Mask?

First of all, a dust mask is has a single strap that goes over the head and provides very little protection from particles and debris in the air. They're also called nuisance dust masks and they're best used for mild applications like leaf blowing and general household dust protection. Dust masks just don't provide a good face seal and they protect about as well as nose hair, which is to say not that well. Replace them when they look dirty or after about 8 hours of wear. Honestly they're n …
Jul 29th 2013 Justin McCarter
What You Need To Protect Yourself from the Hantavirus

What You Need To Protect Yourself from the Hantavirus

We've had several customers ask about protection from the Hantavirus. Infection with hantavirus comes from contact with infected rodents and can develop into Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS), which can be life threatening. Yosemite, one of the most spectacular US National Parks, has announced a total of 10 confirmed cases of hantavirus among recent visitors. The virus isn't passed between people, but is caught by coming in contact with deer mice, cotton rats, rice rats, or the white- …
Jun 5th 2013 Justin McCarter
What is the Best Protection From Lead Dust?

What is the Best Protection From Lead Dust?

A customer recently wrote to us asking about protection from lead dust. Here is his question, and our response: I have been melting lead wheel weights as well as other sources of lead for fishing weights (bouncing Betty's) as small as 1 oz and as big as 2 #'s – also round downrigger weights from 1#, 2# ,4#, 5#, 7#, & 10#, and 10,12, and 15# downrigger weights with keels. I have also made triangular anchors from 4# and as large as 40#. as well as tons of #7 & #8 shot for trap shoot …
May 8th 2013 Justin McCarter
Fertilizer Plant Explosion Poses Serious Air Safety Issues

Fertilizer Plant Explosion Poses Serious Air Safety Issues

The deadly explosion of the West Fertilizer Plant in West, Texas is still in the search and rescue stages, but serious air quality risks may now be affecting local residents and rescue workers. What can emergency workers and volunteers do to minimize the health hazards that are likely present on the site of, and in the immediate vicinity of, this most recent US explosion? At a news conference, local Waco Police Department Sgt. William Swanton said this morning, "Air quality, at this …
Apr 18th 2013 Justin McCarter
Sensitivity Test for Mask Fitting: How to Administer a Respirator Fit Test

Sensitivity Test for Mask Fitting: How to Administer a Respirator Fit Test

It's an employer's responsibility to fit test workers with the respirators used on their job sites. Most folks don't think about this unless they are in highly regulated fields. But under OSHA safety standard 1910.134 employers are required to show each worker using this lung protection equipment how to put on a respirator, how to position it on the face, and how to determine an acceptable fit. If you've never performed a fit test, here is a quick primer on how to use a Qualitative Fit Tes …
Jan 14th 2013 Justin McCarter