Respirator for Fiberglass: Which is the Best Respirator for Painting and Boat Repair?
I've been restoring an old fiberglass sailing dinghy, and find I'm working with a wide range of highly toxic paints, solvents, and bonding agents. It's interesting that something as natural and non-polluting as sailing requires the use of so many noxious products to keep the boat afloat. And it's not only because I work for a safety company, but because I honestly believe using the best possible respirator for painting is essential when working on projects like this.
When we started, I
Sep 12th 2013
Hoarders TV Show Doesn't Provide Good Protective Clothing Cues
There are lots of things you'll see on TV that you should stay away from personally. A recent re-run that made us shake our collective heads was the lung protection worn by folks who should know better in some truly frightening homes shown on the A&E show
Let us say for the record that if legions of rats (or cats) are using your home as a restroom, or if you go into a house that hasn't had working plumbing since the Nixon era, there are more than likely some very real reaso
Jul 16th 2012
Confined Spaces in the Wine Industry: What You Need to Know
The US wine making industry has grown tremendously over the past 20 years. Professionals and hobbyists alike ferment great quantities of pressed grapes to produce the ancient ambrosia. However, not all parts of the wine making process bring joy. There is a serious side to viticulture where cleaning equipment, tanks, vats and other confined spaces may hide potentially lethal dangers for those who press the noble grape.
Confined spaces within the wine industry can relate to any areas, ful
Jan 4th 2012