

Common Air Contaminants In Your Home

Common Air Contaminants In Your Home

While many people will wear sunscreen to protect themselves from the sun, not many folks wear respirators around the house to protect themselves from the formaldehyde found in so many household products. Sure, we are a safety company and we'd love to see a respirator on every face and in every home. But in this case, you might be better protected with information. For instance, did you know that nail polish, glues, adhesives, and pressed-wood products like plywood and particle board tha …
Apr 25th 2012 Justin McCarter
Get The Lead Out - Shooters at Indoor Ranges Need Respirators

Get The Lead Out - Shooters at Indoor Ranges Need Respirators

The vast majority of people who enjoy shooting guns at indoor ranges are very conscious of safety. They wear hearing protection for their ears, and eye protection for their eyes. But very few wear respirators to protect their lungs from the lead dust that is nearly always present. Most shooters who frequent indoor ranges are aware of the potential for lead poisoning, but don't worry much about it. This can be a serious mistake. Lead, even at low levels, can significantly affect a person …
Apr 23rd 2012 Justin McCarter
Respirator for Sanding: What's the Best Mask for Sanding?

Respirator for Sanding: What's the Best Mask for Sanding?

There is an old saying when in comes to safety that "the best mask is one you'll wear". And we agree. However, if there are a couple of masks comfortable enough to keep on while you work, then you've got some choices to make. For simple wood sanding, some folks recommend the old standard 3M 8210 particulate respirator. Lots of people would call this style a dust mask. Others would say that it's barely better than nose hair. It's an N95 which means it will filter out 95% of the particulat …
Mar 28th 2012 Justin McCarter