

Staying Cool in FR Clothing

Staying Cool in FR Clothing

As we face one of the hottest summers on record, employers need to think critically about how they plan on protecting their workers from heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion. According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 2,000 workers suffered heat-related illnesses in 2017, and more than 30 people died from heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Most of these incidents occurred between the months of May and September. If workers need to wea …
Aug 20th 2019 PK Safety Team
Heat Stress Prevention: Keep Cool & Stay Safe

Heat Stress Prevention: Keep Cool & Stay Safe

Working in the heat, especially during Summer months, can lead to illness or even death. Common reactions are heat exhaustion, heat stroke, heat cramps and heat rash — all of which can be avoided following these heat stress prevention tips from OSHA. Some risk factors that can cause heat stress include: High temperature and humidity, direct sun exposure, no breeze or wind Low liquid intake Heavy physical labor Waterproof clothing/non-breathable fa …
May 11th 2016 Analisa H.
Hydration in Confined Spaces

Hydration in Confined Spaces

Hydration is often a forgotten element of safety in a confined space. With so many potential hazards during confined space entry, loss of water because of sweating isn't high on the list for many workers. However, hydration is just as important as many of the other safety considerations of a confined space project. Fluids lost in a hot environment, or because entrants are wearing protective, and non-breathable clothing, must be replaced to help prevent heat-related injuries. To pr …
Mar 21st 2015 Administrator
Does The PIP EZ-COOL Towel Make You Cooler? Heck Yes.

Does The PIP EZ-COOL Towel Make You Cooler? Heck Yes.

There is some debate as to whether or not the PIP EZ-COOL Cooling Towel looks cool, but there's no question it helps reduce your body temperature and keep you more comfortable while you're working. The Cooling Towel is activated with a small amount of water. To use it, simply wet it with water from the sink or a splash of water from your bottle, then wrap the springy blue towel around your neck, put it over your head, or cut it into strips and tie it around your wrists or anywhere you can …
Aug 3rd 2014 Justin McCarter
Hot, Hot, Hot

Hot, Hot, Hot

Whether you believe in global warming or not, summer is here and it's getting plenty hot. Loading up on sunscreen and other products for the heat is a bright idea that will keep your team healthy and protected. Heat stroke, sunburn, exposure to poison oak, and even bee and wasp stings are much more likely in the summer months. Get the right products for the season delivered quickly from PK Safety Supply. The summer months bring special challenges for workers. High temperatures create …
Jun 24th 2014 Justin McCarter
Sunscreen - the First Step in a Skin Wellness Program for Workers

Sunscreen - the First Step in a Skin Wellness Program for Workers

Texas, Colorado, and New Jersey are all reporting record temperatures this week. However, warm temperatures don't stop outdoor workers. Each summer hundreds of workers across the country are admitted to hospitals for heat-related illnesses. Companies need to protect workers by developing a skin wellness program. Here is what you need to know about a major element of that program - sunscreen. Excessive exposure to heat can cause a number of health issues including sunburn, heat stroke, heat …
Jun 27th 2012 Administrator