

How to Put a Fixed Gas Detection System in Your Facility

How to Put a Fixed Gas Detection System in Your Facility

Flammable and toxic gas detection is a must for many oil refineries, offshore platforms, laboratories, chemical production plants, and public works facilities. If your work requires constant gas monitoring, you need a reliable, easy-to-maintain fixed gas sensor system that will warn you quickly if a problem arises. How complicated a fixed gas system depends largely on the use of the data provided by the sensors. For example, if a fixed gas detection system is used only for warning nearb …
Oct 16th 2015 Administrator
CDC Provides Safety Equipment List for Tornado Clean-Up Crews

CDC Provides Safety Equipment List for Tornado Clean-Up Crews

Tornadoes like the ones that ripped through Oklahoma this week leave clean-up crews with thousands of tons of building materials strewn across the landscape and the potential for respiratory and other health problems later on if they are not careful. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning rescue and clean-up crews to stay away from buildings or structures until they have been examined and certified as safe to enter. They are offering a CDC resource guide which …
May 23rd 2013 Justin McCarter
Wireless Gas Detection for First Responders and PRCS Entry

Wireless Gas Detection for First Responders and PRCS Entry

Safety professionals gain a greater degree of understanding and control over work or emergency environments containing dangerous atmospheres with a wirelessly broadcasting personal gas monitoring system. The biggest improvement with wireless over traditional personal gas monitors is that workers in dangerous areas, which are often loud industrial sites, would not be the only one to know if unsafe atmospheres are encountered. Managers and commanders are also monitoring the information and alar …
Mar 27th 2013 Justin McCarter
Breaking Bad Shows Need for Gas Monitor Technology

Breaking Bad Shows Need for Gas Monitor Technology

This won't come as a big shock to anyone - meth labs are toxic. Really toxic. Firefighters, police, and other first responders can't just walk blindly into areas that may potentially contain phosphine and ammonia gas. Wouldn't be prudent. The AMC original series Breaking Bad explores the seedy, dangerous world of methamphetamine production and distribution. In graphic detail, it shows how cooking methamphetamine creates gases and solids that are not only toxic and caustic, but also flam …
Jul 19th 2012 Justin McCarter