

What Do Contractors Need for Confined Space Entry?

What Do Contractors Need for Confined Space Entry?

Just because you aren't entering a drainage system, silo, septic tank, or some other confined space every day, or even every week, doesn't mean you can avoid getting the equipment necessary to make you OSHA compliant. But it does mean that you will be perfectly satisfied with a basic confined space entry system. For folks working in city waste water treatment facilities or manufacturing which requires regular maintenance and inspection of confined spaces, it makes sense to have the m …
Jul 10th 2015 Administrator
Starting a New Confined Space Entry Program

Starting a New Confined Space Entry Program

What happens when your small business grows, and you find yourself having to contend for the first time with confined space issues? There is quite a bit to do, and every aspect has a specific reason for being. Here is a basic primer for working in confined spaces for those who have not had these important responsibilities before. First, conduct an assessment of the on-site hazards. Describe the different roles and responsibilities of each of the parties involved in servicing these confi …
Sep 4th 2012 Justin McCarter