Gas Detector App: Draeger Gas Leak Detector App for Cell Phones

Gas Detector App: Draeger Gas Leak Detector App for Cell Phones

Cellular phones can do lots of things these days. But they don't currently double as portable gas detectors. Until that time the gas detection experts at Draeger have provided the next best thing: a new Gas Detection App which turns your phone into a powerful gas detection resource and replaces bulky printed handbooks and catalogs.

Available for both Apple and Android devices, the new Draeger app lets you quickly search a database of over 100 chemicals and provides an introduction to the various types of hazardous gases and vapors workers may come across. The Gas Detection App isn't going to keep your kids quiet when you are trying to have dinner at a restaurant. But it does provide safety professionals with quick access to current information on all the portable gas detector units Drager produces.

The App provides up-to-date information on all Draeger-Tubes, CMS chips, and sensors for industrial applications. So while Angry Birds might be better to entertain the kids, the Draeger application provides access to a wide variety of data on hazardous gasses and the Draeger monitors used to detect them. And that may help to keep workers safe.

Information on the Draeger Pac 3500 H2S Monitor, the 4-gas X-am 2500 monitor, and the ever-popular Draeger-Tubes is all accessible through this intuitive interface.

If your company uses Draeger gas detection, you ought to download this smart, convenient app. Just think how great it will be if there is a problem, and you can whip out your phone and say, "What a second, I have the App for that."

Click here to download the Draeger App for Apple Devices.

Click here to download the Draeger App for Android Devices.

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