

Portable CO Detector EMS: The Best EMS Carbon Monoxide Detectors for EMTs and First Responders

Portable CO Detector EMS: The Best EMS Carbon Monoxide Detectors for EMTs and First Responders

Carbon monoxide poisoning remains all too common throughout the U.S. Fire smoke, portable generators, gas stoves, water heaters, pumps, blowers, and other gas-powered equipment can easily lead to dangerous and deadly carbon monoxide poisoning. As an EMT, first responder, or ambulance driver, it’s important to be aware of the risks and warning signs associated with carbon monoxide. You may encounter carbon monoxide on the job, so it’s best to have a single gas CO monitor on hand. Learn more …
Jan 29th 2020 PK Safety Team
Confined Space Ventilation: What Size Unit Do I Need?

Confined Space Ventilation: What Size Unit Do I Need?

Breathing is an automatic process and a part of our everyday lives, but we don’t think too much about it until we need to. Improper ventilation in a confined space means that workers may breathe in gases and toxins that can cause illness and death. The proper sizing of a blower unit can help you comply with confined space ventilation requirements.When Does Confined Space Ventilation Matter? Confined space ventilation always matters. OSHA's standard for confined spaces (1910.146 Permit Requi …
Jan 22nd 2020 PK Safety Team
How to Stay Warm During Winter Storms?

How to Stay Warm During Winter Storms?

Winter storms can wreak havoc on your local community, but you still have a job to do. If you and your team need to step out in the cold, you’ll need outdoor winter work clothes to keep you warm, including insulating gloves, protective goggles for harsh, icy winds, and high-visibility clothing to keep your team safe and seen at night. Learn about some of the best clothes for working outside in winter. Taking Stock of Your Work Environment Protecting your workers from freezing temperatu …
Jan 17th 2020 PK Safety Team
 What You Need to Know When Purchasing Gas Monitors for Your Business

What You Need to Know When Purchasing Gas Monitors for Your Business

When most people think of gas detection, they probably picture petroleum production facilities. However, oil and gas workers aren’t the only ones that need to keep an eye on the air quality: putting on personal protective equipment like portable gas detectors is a part of the workday for sewage treatment plant workers, maintenance engineers, firefighters, and many other workers across a variety of industries. When you’re making a decision about which gas monitors are right for your workplace, …
Jan 7th 2020 PK Safety Team
Respirator for Mold and Asbestos: Which Respirators Protect Against Mold and Asbestos?

Respirator for Mold and Asbestos: Which Respirators Protect Against Mold and Asbestos?

Exposure to mold and asbestos can wreak havoc on your health. Encountering these substances can lead to a range of health concerns. Breathing in asbestos can lead to asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, while exposure to mold can lead to throat irritation, nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, coughing and other respiratory issues, and skin irritation. As an employer or someone at risk of encountering these substances, it’s important to protect yourself on the job. If you are working i …
Jan 3rd 2020 PK Safety Team
 What is a Self-Retracting Lifeline?

What is a Self-Retracting Lifeline?

Fall protection is crucial for any job where you’re working at heights. Fall protection equipment has made significant improvements over the years, which means safer workplaces. Among those advances are improvements in self-retracting lifelines, which have helped workers in a variety of industries stay safe.What is a Self-Retracting Lifeline? Fall arresters, retracting lanyards, fall arrest blocks—self-retracting lifelines (SRLs) go by many names, but all describe safety equipment that con …
Dec 30th 2019 PK Safety Team
Why Do Winter Months Hold Highest Risk for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

Why Do Winter Months Hold Highest Risk for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

As a colorless, odorless gas, carbon monoxide is known as the “silent killer.” Exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide can lead to a range of health effects and illnesses, including headaches, dizziness, vomiting, unconsciousness, and even death. This is what’s known as carbon monoxide poisoning.Risk of carbon monoxide poisoning tends to be highest during the winter months. All over the country, millions of homes and businesses are turning up their furnaces and heaters to stay warm. Furnaces, …
Dec 13th 2019 PK Safety Team
Respirator Sizes: What Is the Proper Way to Size a Respirator?

Respirator Sizes: What Is the Proper Way to Size a Respirator?

Respirators are designed to protect you from all sorts of potential airborne hazards, including lead and silica dust, mold, asbestos, and toxic gases. But a respirator mask won’t protect you from these hazards if it doesn’t fit your face properly. If there is any distance between the mask and the sides of your face, these toxins and hazards could easily slip inside the face mask. Exposure to these substances can lead to a range of health concerns, including respiratory conditions, cance …
Dec 11th 2019 PK Safety Team
When and How to Install an RKI Beacon Fixed Gas Detection Systems

When and How to Install an RKI Beacon Fixed Gas Detection Systems

When it comes to monitoring and detecting hazardous gases like carbon monoxide, chlorine, nitrogen dioxide, and phosgene (for example), there are two kinds of monitors: portable gas monitors and fixed system gas monitors. The user will wear a portable gas monitor on their lapel, or near what’s known as the breathing zone when working in potentially hazardous environments. Another choice would be a 'Fixed Point' gas detector. As the name implies, the sensor is typically mounted in place, and d …
Dec 9th 2019 PK Safety Team
PK Safety Raises $340 Towards Movember

PK Safety Raises $340 Towards Movember

PK Safety is proud to have participated in Movember this year! Movember is the leading charity combating men’s health issues like prostate and testicular cancers, as well as mental health. Mo' Money For The Movember CauseDuring the month of November, we offered a discount code for $5 off and free shipping on orders $99 or more. For every code used, we vowed to donate $5 towards the Movember cause. By the end of the month, you helped us raise $340!PK Safety's Mo BrosWe had three of …
Dec 2nd 2019 PK Safety Team