

How to Prevent Hearing Loss

How to Prevent Hearing Loss

Hearing damage isn’t always the result of explosions or other single, loud noises. A lot of damage occurs at much lower levels and more gradually, especially if you’re exposed to constant low background noise. Noise intensity, duration of exposure, and the type of sound all contribute to how it can damage your hearing. Even slight hearing loss can have an impact on your life, and the damage is irreversible above certain decibel levels. Symptoms include ringing in your ears, noises sounding …
Jul 21st 2021 PK Safety Team
How Long Do My Respirator Filters Last?

How Long Do My Respirator Filters Last?

Being able to breathe without inhaling dangerous particulates and vapors is crucial to respiratory safety. Many workers using respirators for jobs involving construction, often wonder how long their respirator filters last before they should be replaced. The actual answer is “it depends,” but that’s because much of it is relative to the environment in which they are being used. While different filters have different capabilities and limitations, the filter or cartridge cha …
Jun 30th 2021 PK Safety Team
How to Select an SPF Sunscreen

How to Select an SPF Sunscreen

Summer is here, which means longer days and more time outside. Whether you’re working or playing, staying protected from the heat and sun will keep you comfortable and safe from the effects of heat-related illnesses and sun damage, which can include potential skin cancer. Summer skin protection means seeking shade (especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.), wearing protective clothing like wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses, and proper application of the right sunscreen.Many sunscreens block the …
Jun 29th 2021 PK Safety Team
Wildfire Safety: Ways to Reduce Smoke Exposure

Wildfire Safety: Ways to Reduce Smoke Exposure

Climate change is driving extreme weather and drought across the U.S. The number of major wildfires continues to increase year after year. Both man-made and natural, these fires pose a threat to public safety, especially in western states. Burning wood and organic materials releases microscope particles into the air, which can get into your eyes, mouth, and lungs. If you live in an area prone to wildfires, use these tips to reduce wildfire smoke exposure.Know Your RiskAs wildfires become more pr …
Jun 29th 2021 PK Safety
How to Properly Insert Ear Plugs

How to Properly Insert Ear Plugs

Loud noises on the worksite are irritating and dangerous. Short-term exposure to very loud worksite sounds can cause permanent nerve damage to the inner ear and hearing loss. Ear plugs are just one piece of hearing protection PPE that can be used to protect your ears—when worn properly, they can be used in noise up to 110 dB (roughly the noise level of a chainsaw, leaf blower, or snowmobile). The SparkPlug Foam Earplugs from Moldex has a noise reduction rating of 33, which is the highest N …
Jun 2nd 2021 PK Safety Team
How to Choose the Best Eye Protection for Your Job

How to Choose the Best Eye Protection for Your Job

Any job or worksite where your eyes are at risk from flying objects, liquids, gases, or other materials is one where you need to wear protective eyewear. Your regular prescription eyewear or sunglasses aren’t going to cut it: eye and face protection is designed for workplace hazards. Choosing the right eye protection is like choosing any other piece of PPE, so use this guide to be prepared for making that decision.Eye Hazard AssessmentOSHA provides guidelines for job hazard analyses as well as t …
Jun 2nd 2021 PK Safety Team
What do I need for confined space entry & rescue?

What do I need for confined space entry & rescue?

Many jobs that involve confined spaces, even if you don’t use them every day, require a basic confined space kit in order to be OSHA compliant. A wide range of industries require work in confined spaces at least some of the time, and while this work is important it also has the potential to be very dangerous. Rescue plans must be put into place before anyone sets foot on the worksite, and they need to be thorough: workers need to know the dangers of the space through testing, research, and docum …
May 21st 2021 PK Safety Team
Where Should Fixed Gas Monitors Be Mounted?

Where Should Fixed Gas Monitors Be Mounted?

Gas monitors are designed to detect harmful substances that can affect air quality and put workers at risk. But the monitor needs access to the air in question to do its job. Choosing where to install fixed gas monitors depends on a number of factors, including the work environment, who’s entering the space, and the target gas. Use this guide to find the right place for your fixed 4-gas monitor, so you can stay safe in any situation.Breathing ZoneWhen monitoring the space for oxygen to maintain …
May 21st 2021 PK Safety Team
Tips on Avoiding Heat-Related Illnesses This Summer

Tips on Avoiding Heat-Related Illnesses This Summer

Whether it’s your busiest season or business as usual, hot summer temperatures mean a new set of workplace challenges. Workers are feeling sluggish and unmotivated, and the risk of heat-related illnesses is constantly looming no matter where you’re working. While technically there aren’t OSHA standards specifically for heat exposure, employers must provide safe conditions, appropriate summer workwear, and protective gear. These tips can help keep everyone cool at work. Watch Out for H …
May 18th 2021 PK Safety Team
Safety Stand-Down 2021: Fall Prevention Awarness

Safety Stand-Down 2021: Fall Prevention Awarness

Out of 1,061 construction employee fatalities in 2019, 401 of them were preventable deaths caused by falls from elevation. OSHA's 8th annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction event was created to raise awareness and stop injuries and fatalities from falls across the country. This year, the event takes place from May 3-7, 2021.What is a Safety Stand-Down?A Safety Stand-Down is a voluntary event where employers and employees talk directly to each other about safety. …
May 3rd 2021 PK Safety Team