

Minimizing Work-Related Risks of Catching the Seasonal Flu

Minimizing Work-Related Risks of Catching the Seasonal Flu

The seasonal flu is a highly infectious disease that can spread easily indoors. The disease can lead to severe complications in individuals with preexisting conditions. It can also decrease productivity by forcing workers to take time off work. Businesses of all sizes need to take precautions to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses in the workplace, so their workers can do their jobs without risking their health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has put together a list o …
Dec 7th 2022 PK Safety Team
Confined Spaces & COVID-19: Best Practices

Confined Spaces & COVID-19: Best Practices

Confined spaces are a tight fit, but it is possible to work safely in confined spaces in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. You’ll need to be more cautious about PPE use, cleaning, and social distancing guidelines, but plenty of caution is crucial for any worksite even when there isn’t a pandemic. What’s important is making sure that contact with contaminated surfaces and people is minimal. When it comes to coronavirus safety, there are three areas that you can look at. Best Practices I …
Aug 27th 2020 PK Safety Team
COVID Back to Work Guide

COVID Back to Work Guide

COVID-19 has impacted the world in numerous ways. Returning your workforce to on-site operations poses new challenges for your organization that you may not be prepared for. Knowing what is expected of you where OSHA is concerned can help you achieve greater peace of mind and guard the health and well-being of everyone at your company. The following COVID-19 reopening guidelines from OSHA can help you protect yourself and your workforce from a possible outbreak. Isolate Symptomatic Worke …
Jul 27th 2020 PK Safety Team
Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Detectors Should Be Used When Disinfecting Workspaces

Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Detectors Should Be Used When Disinfecting Workspaces

Vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) is often used to disinfect and decontaminate work environments, including classrooms, medical and manufacturing facilities, confined spaces, and other areas that are designed for prolonged human occupancy. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, all types of businesses will need to thoroughly disinfect their workspaces before bringing their employees back to work to minimize their chances of exposure. The coronavirus can live on surfaces for up to 72 hour …
Jun 22nd 2020 PK Safety Team