Watch Out for These Common Cold-Weather Safety Hazards
Some jobs don’t stop when the weather gets bad—some jobs will even ramp up when the cold weather blows in. To those of you that are out working hard while the rest of the world is indoors, we salute you and want to help you take steps to avoid common cold-weather injuries and illnesses. Some cold-weather dangers are more obvious than others, but all can be deadly in the wrong circumstances. Here are five areas that need special attention while you’re working outside in low temps.
Illness a
Dec 17th 2021
5 Ways to Keep Your Hands Safe in the Workplace This Winter
Cold weather can be dangerous even if you’re not working outside. For workers in some industries that deal with snowstorms and other hazardous winter weather conditions, these problems can get especially bad. Cold weather means an increased risk of hand injuries, whether directly related to the cold or as a side effect that prevents workers from doing their jobs safely. These five tips will help you keep your hands healthy and safe when the weather outside is frightful.Choose Gloves Designed for
Nov 17th 2021
Winterize Your Work Site and Avoid Injuries
As the rest of the world retreats indoors, some of us still have to go to work. Winter weather can be a danger to your employees in more ways than one. When spending time outdoors in cold or icy weather, you need to protect yourself from common hazards, such as frostbite, slips, falls, hypothermia, dehydration, cold stress, and even snow blindness. From everyday jobs to large-scale industrial operations, learn how to prevent winter weather-related injuries.
Protect Workers with Winter Wo
Dec 17th 2020
Gloves For Oil: What Are the Best Gloves for the Oil and Gas Industry?
The oil and gas industry can be a dirty business; you and your team will need a set of reliable safety gloves before you get to work. Before you buy just any pair of work gloves, it’s important to choose safety gloves that were designed for your particular industry and the task at hand. Without the proper gear, your employees will be vulnerable to a range of hazards and toxic chemicals. Learn more about selecting the right gloves for gas and oil from the safety equipment experts at PK Safety.
Oct 8th 2019