PK Safety Raises $340 Towards Movember

PK Safety Raises $340 Towards Movember

PK Safety is proud to have participated in Movember this year! Movember is the leading charity combating men’s health issues like prostate and testicular cancers, as well as mental health. 

Mo' Money For The Movember Cause

During the month of November, we offered a discount code for $5 off and free shipping on orders $99 or more. For every code used, we vowed to donate $5 towards the Movember cause. By the end of the month, you helped us raise $340!

PK Safety's Mo Bros

We had three of our very own ditch their razors for "No Shave November." 

They came to work on Nov. 1 with freshly-shaven faces and by the end of the month, they sprouted some pretty impressive mustaches and beards.

Pictured here (from left to right) Brendan Sullivan-Cheah, Sales Operations Manager; Rick Pedley, CEO; Joshua Fricke, Web Development Manager. The PK Safety men sporting their hair-free faces at the beginning of the month.

PK Safety Movember kickoff.

A mid-month check-in.

PK Safety Movember: A mid-month check-in.

Big smiles at the end of the month.

PK Safety Movember: Big smiles at the end of the month.

They were dubbed with following titles:

  • Brendan - Fullest Mo
  • Rick - Mini Mo
  • Joshua - Most Creative Mo

We applaud these guys and all of our customers for your efforts in changing the face of men's health!

Are you still letting your mo grow? You’ll find a range of powered air purifying facial hair respirators (PAPRs), safety equipment, and accessories on our website that offer protection while still allowing you to sport the 'stache. Contact us today for more information about our products and services.

To learn more about Movember, visit

Dec 2nd 2019 PK Safety Team

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