(26 products)

Choose between top respirator brands, including 3M, Moldex, and Honeywell North, and more.


These are well-made products that are standards in the industry. Use top-rated products when working near dangerous substances and gases such as solvents, mold, lead, asbestos, and other workplace hazards. If there’s a chance you and your crew may encounter these contaminants on the job, you need to use a respirator. We sell a range of full and half facepiece respirators on our website so you can quickly find everything you need to keep your team safe in the field.

Many of our respirators protect against a range of hazardous substances, while others are designed for specific threats, such as the 3M Mold Remediation Respirator Kit. Our respirators come with everything you need to breathe easy on the job, including several replacement filters. You’ll need to replace your filters from time to time as they fill up with dirt and other debris. Keeping a few extra filters will come in handy when you’re ready to replace them.

You’ll need to decide if your team needs full or half facepiece respirators. If there’s a chance these substances may get into your eyes, it’s best to cover the entire face instead of just the mouth and nose. All our masks attach firmly behind the head to ensure a proper fit. These masks are perfect for construction and sewage workers, mold remediation specialists, and those that work in confined spaces. There are even full-face respiratory helmets. Contact us to learn more about our selection of respirators and filters and cartridges, so you can find the right safety equipment for the task at hand.

NIOSH Items: We only sell brand new respirators, filters, and dust masks from US-based manufacturers. Since it can be difficult to determine if a respirator or mask has been used or even tried on, for the protection of our customers, we do not accept NIOSH returns.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where to buy an N95 respirator mask?

N95 respirator masks are frequently sold online. You can purchase these respirators at a safety equipment store or reputable industry supplier. You can also buy them at hardware stores and pharmacies in your local area. Ensure that the mask is an N95 and not a KN95, which refers to a different set of standards.

N95s were once reserved for those in the construction industry and medical personnel, but they have since become popular with everyday consumers looking to follow CDC guidelines to protect themselves from the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19.

Are all types of respirators the same?

No, not all respirators are the same. They generally fall into two categories:

Air-purifying respirators: These types of respirators are designed to purify the air the person is breathing by filtering out hazardous airborne particles that could affect their health. They may be designed to protect against gases, vapors, and chemicals in the workplace. Some use filters, chemical cartridges, or powered particulate filtering technology to improve air quality. The wearer operates the respirator simply by breathing.

Air-supplied respirators: These respirators provide a fresh, continuous supply of oxygen to the wearer through a mouthpiece. This ensures they have access to oxygen while working in potentially hazardous settings. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) fall into this category as well. These devices require a power source. The person will need to turn the respirator on to keep the air flowing.

If you are looking to protect your workers from specific hazards in the workplace, the filtering facepiece respirator must comply with the latest safety and health administration regulations as laid out in NIOSH requirements 42 CFR Part 84.

How to disinfect respirators?

It’s important to clean your respirator on a regular basis. Excess dirt, debris, and grease can leave gaps in the seal, which could put workers at risk. To clean the respirator, you’ll need to remove all the attachments and cartridges. Use a warm cleaning solution or pre-packaged respirator wipe to wipe down the surface gently. Do not use lanolin or other oils.

You should then disinfect the respirator by letting it soak in a solution of quaternary ammonia disinfectant, sodium hypochlorite, or some other type of disinfectant. Rinse with warm water and let it air dry in a non-contaminated environment.

What are the three types of respirators?

When it comes to non-powered respirators, you can choose from the following three categories:

Half Mask/Dust Mask: Half-mask respirators and dust masks only cover part of the face, including the person’s mouth and nose, to prevent them from inhaling potentially hazardous substances. This category includes non-elastomeric respirators and face masks. The equipment doesn’t cover the person’s eyes, so they may need to wear safety glasses or goggles as well.

Half Mask (Elastomeric): Elastomeric respirators offer added protection by sealing to the person’s face so that these harmful substances can slip through the cracks. These devices are completely reusable for lasting protection. Just like a dust mask, half mask respirators only cover the lower part of the face, so the eyes will still be exposed.

Full Facepiece (Elastomeric): The full-face respirator wraps around the person’s entire face, including their nose, mouth, and eyes for maximum face protection. They are made with elastomeric materials or silicone that seal to the person’s face. These respirators are also reusable.

How effective are the N95 respirators?

N95 respirators are considered the most protective face masks on the market today, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). They are designed to filter out around 95% of particles 0.3 microns or larger in the air , which is how they got their name. They can block out harmful particles, such as dust, debris, and particles containing infectious viruses and diseases.

Contact the professionals at PK Safety to find the right type of PPE for your respiratory protection program.

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