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Communication is key when your team is working in areas that include confined spaces. Confined spaces like tunnels, manholes, crawl spaces, tanks and electrical vaults come with their fair share of hazards.


With proper training in confined space ventilation, a proper confined space communication system and other PK Safety Products, confined space entry can be accomplished safely. That’s why it’s important to use proper signage alerting workers the potential dangers in confined spaces. OSHA also requires proper signage when working in confined spaces. You’ll also need a confined space entry permit to work in these environments.

A confined space is defined as a space with limited entry and egress, and not suitable for human inhabitants. At PK Safety, we sell a range of confined space signs, including warning signs, barriers, and permits by Accuform to help you get started. We also sell bilingual signs if some of your team members speak Spanish. Regardless of where your team is working or what kinds of confined spaces you’re dealing with, you can find the right sign at PK Safety.

Putting up these signs is a breeze. They’re made with high-contrast colors and words, so your team can easily read them. With these signs in place, you and your team will have more peace of mind on the job. Browse our selection of confined space signs, confined space kits and manhole accessories to get started.

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