FREE US SHIPPING on orders of $249 or more!*

- We currently do not ship to P.O. Boxes or internationally.
- Place an order for $249 or more and we'll ship it to anywhere in the US for free*(excluding Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico). Some product exceptions apply.
- We make every effort to ship your items the same day your order is received. To do so, they must be processed Monday through Friday before 11:30am PST (1:30pm CST). Orders placed after this cut off or over the weekend/on holidays will be processed on the next business day and shipped according to the availability listed on each product page.
- Packages are only delivered on business days. We do not offer Saturday delivery.
- Our warehouse is located in Dallas, TX. Products we do not currently stock in our warehouse will have a clearly stated lead time. To increase the speed of delivery we may ship directly from the manufacturer to you.
- If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call us at +1 510-337-8880 or toll free at 800-829-9580.
- Please notify us of any order discrepancies within 10 days of receipt.