PK Safety's In-house Calibration and Repair Services

PK Safety's In-house Calibration and Repair Services

Gas monitor calibration is a must if your employees are working in a confined space or around dangerous gasses and chemicals. The gas monitor is designed to alert you and your colleagues if gas readings reach unsafe levels, which could endanger you and the lives of your employees. But these monitors are prone to errors. You need to calibrate your gas monitor on a regular basis to make sure it’s working properly. Learn more about gas monitor calibration and why it’s important for your facility.

The Dangers of Using Un-Calibrated or Damaged Equipment

Gas monitors ensure your work environment is safe and free of potentially harmful gases. Working with an uncalibrated or defective monitor means your employees could be exposed to potentially hazardous gases that can lead to a variety of physical ailments and symptoms.

These devices may not be as accurate as you might think unless you calibrate them on a regular basis. Excess dirt, dust, and moisture can damage your gas monitor, making it less than reliable. Dropping or damaging your gas monitor can also lead to inaccurate readings. Airborne lead, silicone-based compounds, changing temperatures, and too much gas exposure can also render these devices useless. Lastly, all monitors will start to drift over time, changing the outcome of the readings.

To prevent these kinds of issues, you need to calibrate your monitor to make sure it’s accurate and working properly. If your monitor appears damaged in any way, you’ll need to have it repaired or replaced by a safety equipment professional.

When to Calibrate and Repair Your Equipment

At PK Safety, we often hear the question, “How often should I calibrate my gas monitor?” The Occupational Health and Safety Administration says you should calibrate your monitor before each and every use. Calibrating only takes around 5 minutes and costs around $6.60 worth of gas. But if your facility has hundreds of monitors, calibrating before every use may not be realistic. That’s why OHSA gives employers some leeway when it comes to gas monitor calibration. Workplace safety professionals generally agree that you should calibrate according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Look over the user guidelines or manual for your gas monitor and see how often the manufacturer suggests recalibrating. If you notice inaccurate readings right after you calibrate your gas monitor, the device may be defective. If you drop or damage your monitor or you’ve been using the same one for several years, you might need to have it repaired or replaced.

When in Doubt, Hire a Professional

You can’t afford to take chances when it comes to the health and safety of your employees. That’s why you should be proactive with your gas monitor. If you’re worried that your readings are inaccurate, you can always have your monitor calibrated or inspected by a professional.

As your workplace safety experts, we have our own in-house calibration and repair services here at PK Safety. One of our repair professionals will quickly inspect your equipment and make sure it’s working properly. We can calibrate every monitor in your facility, test the readings, and repair or replace any damaged monitors.

Gas monitors aren’t meant to last forever. All kinds of factors may affect the accuracy of your monitor. Keep your employees safe and call the professionals at PK Safety for gas monitor calibration and repair services.

Apr 22nd 2019 PKSafety Team

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